MVE (Multi-View Environment)

MVE can import a converted openMVG SfM scene and use it to create dense depth map and complete dense 3D models.

# Convert the openMVG SfM scene to the MVE format
$ openMVG_main_openMVG2MVE -i Dataset/outReconstruction/sfm_data.json -o Dataset/outReconstruction

# shell script example


dmrecon -s$resolution $directory
scene2pset -ddepth-L$resolution -iundist-L$resolution -n -s -c $directory $directory/OUTPUT.ply
fssrecon $directory/OUTPUT.ply $directory/OUTPUT_MESH.ply
meshclean $directory/OUTPUT_MESH.ply $directory/OUTPUT_MESH_CLEAN.ply

Call any tool without arguments to see the help.

You will need to compile MVE tools and FSSR.

Export to MVS Texturing

If you don’t want to use the full MVE pipeline but only MVS Texturing [Waechter2014] to project a set of oriented images on a mesh, one solution is to use the openMVG_main_openMVG2MVSTEXTURING binary. This binary converts your SfM_Data file into one format used by MVS Texturing. In addition, you may need to undistort your images with openMVG_main_ExportUndistortedImages as it’s not handled by the openMVG_main_openMVG2MVSTEXTURING tool.