This binary compute images that have a visual overlap. Using image descriptions computed by openMVG_main_ComputeFeatures, we establish the corresponding putative photometric matches and filter the resulting correspondences using some robust geometric filters.
$ openMVG_main_ComputeMatches -i [..\matches\sfm_data.json] -o [...\matches]
Arguments description:
Required parameters:
- [-i|–input_file]
- a SfM_Data file
- [-o|–out_dir path]
- path were putative and geometric matches will be stored
Optional parameters:
- [-f|–force: Force to recompute data]
- 0: (default) reload previously computed data (useful when you have kill the process and want to continue to compute)
- 1: useful when you change have changed a command line parameter, force recomputing and re-saving.
- [-r|-ratio]
- (Nearest Neighbor distance ratio, default value is set to 0.8).
- Using 0.6 is more restrictive => provides less false positive.
- [-g|-geometric_model]
- type of model used for robust estimation from the photometric putative matches
- f: Fundamental matrix filtering
- e: Essential matrix filtering
- h: Homography matrix filtering
- [-n|–nearest_matching_method]
- AUTO: auto choice from regions type,
- For Scalar based descriptor you can use:
- BRUTEFORCEL2: BruteForce L2 matching for Scalar based regions descriptor,
- ANNL2: Approximate Nearest Neighbor L2 matching for Scalar based regions descriptor,
- CASCADEHASHINGL2: L2 Cascade Hashing matching,
- L2 Cascade Hashing with precomputed hashed regions, (faster than CASCADEHASHINGL2 but use more memory).
- For Binary based descriptor you must use:
- BRUTEFORCEHAMMING: BruteForce Hamming matching for binary based regions descriptor,
- [-v|–video_mode_matching]
- (sequence matching with an overlap of X images)
- X: with match 0 with (1->X), ...]
- 2: will match 0 with (1,2), 1 with (2,3), ...
- 3: will match 0 with (1,2,3), 1 with (2,3,4), ...]
- [-l|–pair_list]
- file that explicitly list the View pair that must be compared
Once matches have been computed you can, at your choice, you can display detected, matches as SVG files:
- Detected keypoints: openMVG_main_exportKeypoints
- Putative, Geometric matches: openMVG_main_exportMatches
- Tracks: openMVG_main_exportTracks
Or start the 3D reconstruction: